Sunday, February 3, 2013

Windows 8 makes a Strong Gains

Windows 8 has made some headway in stats since November.
Throughout the month of January, a web tracker called Net Applications recorded and compared the market share of various operating systems. Although low in comparison to its OS competitors, much can be said for gains surrounding Windows 8. Correlating to 1.09 percent in November and 1.72 percent in December, Windows 8 has come a long way. Within the numerous scores, this operating system ranks in fifth place, a small amount behind Mac OS X 10.8, which had a 2.44 percent share.
Since its release in October 2012, Windows 8 has not fared very well. Windows 7, which was launched in October 2009, happened to be in first place with a market share of 44.48 percent. Why would a new and improved OS be inching along as Windows 8 is? The answer lies in the public's newfound love for convenient tablets over PCs and the heightened price tag of this newly released option.
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