Saturday, May 25, 2013

GoDaddy luches "Cup of Coffee," website in india

In a new campaign entitled "Cup of Coffee," website creation companyGoDaddy is targeting small business owners in India, illustrating the ease of website creation and branding. 

"Get a Web presence in the time you finish a cup of coffee." That's the mission of the newest GoDaddy ad campaign, which is targeting small business owners in India. The one-month campaign garners the company more customers by pitching their services to users who may not know where to start in website creation, or who may feel that it is too complicated or difficult. Regions of operation for "Cup of Coffee" include Hyderabad, New Delhi, and Mumbai. The deal includes a web address, and 1GM email storage complete with the Google AdWords service to promote the website in Google searches. The deal costs Rs. 580 (Approximately $10.00) to start. GoDaddy India Vice President Rajiv Sodhi states that "while India represents a huge opportunity for GoDaddy, there is a clear industry need to undertake initiatives that expand the overall market in India and that's the reason behind this campaign." 

GoDaddy isn't the only company to shift focus towards markets in India. BlackBerry has also launched low-cost contracts in India in order to secure a quickly-growing market for the future. But this isn't the company's first move in the nation. GoDaddy first began offering website creation for the .IN domain in 2009. Just within the past year, however, has the most significant grown taken place. From 2012-2013, GoDaddy India's customer base has doubled in size. With this aggressive campaign, which is actually travelling door-to-door with personal representatives from the company, GoDaddy aims to grow that base even more.  Retweet this story

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