Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Pros And Cons Of Using Cloud Hosting

A cloud hosting plan is a hosting solution where your website is hosted on the cloud. The cloud is basically an interconnection of computer systems or servers designed to work as a single entity. Like any other hosting solution out there, a cloud hosting plan also has come pros and cons associated with it. Let us take a look at what these pros and cons are and how a cloud hosting plan can be the right choice for your website.

Pros of cloud hosting:

There are several inherent advantages of using a cloud hosting solution for your website. These advantages range from cost advantage to efficiency to performance.
Some of these pros associated with a cloud hosting plan are given below:
  • One of the biggest advantage of using a cloud based hosting plan is cost. In case of a cloud hosting solution, you are only charged for the resources that you have utilized; unlike a traditional hosting plan wherein you are charged for the resources that have been assigned to you irrespective of the fact that you have utilized those resources or not.
  • Another thing is that with a cloud hosting plan there are no restrictions with regards to the resources that can be used by your website. For example, if your website get a sudden spike in traffic and you are on a traditional hosting plan; your website would be bogged down because you only have access to the resources that have been assigned to you. This is not the case with a cloud plan because with such a plan you have access to all resources on the cloud and resource usage is governed by the traffic that you get.
  • Since your website is hosted on the cloud, you can gain access to the backend of your website from any place at any time. Also, the reliability of your website is also quite high; since it is quite seldom that whole of the cloud goes down all at once.
  • There are no downtime at all since your website is replicated several times and backed up several times on the cloud. For example in case of a traditional hosting plan if your server fails your website is bound to face downtime. This is not the case with a cloud hosting plan since the failure of one server on the cloud does not affect the rest of the cloud.

Cons of cloud hosting:

Just like there are pros to using a cloud hosting plan, there are a few cons of using a cloud hosting plan too. Let us take a look at what these are and how can they be eliminated:
  • A big problem with using a cloud hosting plan is that if your website’s code is not optimized you might have to pay a lot of money for running your website. This is due to the fact that an un-optimized site would use more resources than an optimized one. The solution to this problem is to optimize the code of your website to generate fewer resource requests.
  • Another problem with using a cloud plan is that it becomes rather difficult to set up your website. For this most of the hosting providers offer free support to help you set up your website and get it running.
These are a few pros and cons associated with using a cloud based hosting plan. Although there are a few cons of using such a plan, the cons can be very easily tackled. Hence, a cloud based hosting plan can be a very useful plan for hosting a website on the internet. Retweet this story

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